Create your dream career + life


If Stuck and ready is how you're feeling, I've got the perfect program for you!

  • I help empower you to create a business that you love in a career that fulfills you

    13 YEARS as a School Adjustment Counselor, and I left my "secure job", the "benefits", the "good schedule". This is why...

    It wasn't that I hated my job.... the opposite, actually!!! I LOVED the connections I made with my students, I saw value in the work I was doing; the counseling, mentorship and mental health support I was offering every single day.

    My burnout wasn't from the day to day, it came from the rigid and broken systems in which my role was tangled in, that started to feel like I was living outside of my values. My values of family, adventure, freedom, creativity and fun were not being prioritized when I was working in my old job. I started to notice I was stepping away from the person I knew myself to be; positive, energetic, a solution finder, a leader... I was starting to engage in the gossip or live in the low morale that clouded the hallways of my school like a thick cloud of smoke. I wasn't feeling like myself- I was exhausted and irritable when I got home with my family, anxiety attacks were a normal occurance and immune system was so weak from the overdrive I was living in.

    The toll my job was taking on my body only became clear to me when I FINALLY stepped away from it. I started studying to practice Life Coaching as I thought it would be a good method to add to my clinical skills. I had always wanted to open a private practice where I got to really help folks feel confident from the inside, out! This dream of mine, was more of a "one day that would be cool..." kinda thought. Until I decided that one day isn't guaranteed. April 2023 I made the decision to not return for the 2023-24 school year to open up my practice, and help others create the life and business where they feel ALIVE!

    Starting my own business was SCARY and excited. But I am the example for you that leaving a job, to purpose your dream career/starting your own business IS POSSIBLE!

    As a clinician, I have experienced the magic and growth that happens during clinical supervision. I wanted to create a similar experience for you where life coaching and mentorship in business intermingle and create magic for you!

    I use my expertise as a life coach and therapist to help you uncover your dream business, whether its starting your own practice, or doing something totally rouge!

    This is why STUCK + READY was created, a mentorship and coaching program for you to create the business and life that you dream of!


You clicked here because some part of you is ready to work on creating a life and career/business that feels fulfilling. How courageous...and exciting!! 

Here's a little about my and my credentials to Mentor YOU...Last year I left my 9-5 in the public education system to start my private practice, where I combine my experience as a mental health practitioner and Life Coaching to offer a unique service to women. STUCK AND READY, was a perfect description of how I felt as I was deciding to leave my School Counselor role last year and open my own private practice, and I imagine you feel similar. 

6 Months ago I created a Meet Up for Women in Business in my local area, to find that SO MANY women need support in making this HUGE LEAP. What I noticed in my research, was that folks are looking to build the confidence AND understand HOW its possible to go ALL IN on a new business.

You feel STUCK + READY, also confused at where to start... You might even not know how to reimage your current credentials, degree or years of experience. This is where I come in. I am honest in sharing my experience, while offering mindset work and confidence building to help you see new potentials in what's possible for you in this program.

STUCK + READY is a 6 month Mentorship + Coaching program, which includes:

  • Your own Digital workbook to lead you through the process of creating your business, your own offer and HOW you're going to execute exactly what you envision

  • 12 Live 1:1 coaching calls TO STRATEGICALLY map out a personal plan for your next steps and receive support on blocks that are preventing you from progressing forward.

  • Direct and unlimited access to coaching, troubleshooting, consultation via text during 6 month program

Completing STUCK + READY you’ll learn:

  • The tools you need to create a supportive mindset and belief in your concept

  • A solid offer you feel excited to create/share and execute on. You will be very clear on who your offer serves, what your goals are, an individualized action plan specific for you and your business, and your failure plan (that help you create a supportive mindset + helps create certainty)

  • A better understanding of what systems, apps, infrastructure and supports are required for your business' success

  • Self coaching tools and other self soothing interventions that increase self regulation of your nervous system, so that you feel at peace through your transition

  • Freedom and fulfillment in your work

This program is strictly for ANYONE who is READY to commit to:

- Making a change in careers

- Leaving your 9-5

- Opening a private practice

- Increasing your income or earning potential in your current role (real estate, service related offers included)

- Growing something from nothing



Early enrollment- $4500 ($300 savings)

Early enrollment Payment Plan is available: $1950 upfront, then 5 monthly payments of $515

Investment increases to $4800 after Sept 23rd


    STUCK +READY will plan YOUR way into career you're fully passionate about, one where you wake up each morning and feel expansion and excitement that you get to do what you love!